Friday, January 20, 2012


God gives us a story.

He gives us experiences, moments, trials, triumphs, failures and successes so that we have a story to tell. We need to have a story, particularly as believers because people who like Jesus are interesting to people who don't know Jesus. No matter who you are or what you are doing in your life, I guarantee there is someone you know, who thinks that the fact that you believe in God, and salvation is kinda fascinating. Don't get me wrong, there are totally people in your life who could care less about your personal convictions and beliefs, but as Christians there are absolutely people who you know, who are watching what you do very carefully.Trust me on this. They can even smell it!

Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life. 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 The Message

Since we have a Jesus musk, which draws people to us, God knows better than to leave us without something to say - hence, our story.

Like everyone, my story is complicated, long and not always perfect. My favorite part of my story, actually involves my whole family. When my dad received a job offer to work in Maryland, the timing was pretty perfect. He had been out of work, and my mom had recently decided to quit her job. So, I had two parents who were unemployed. It was a scary time, but what was awesome is that God started to draw my family closer to him. I mean we didn't have much else! So, we started to pray more, serve more, seek more. And then came the job in Maryland. My dad scoped out Frederick ahead of us, and did some reconnaissance on which schools were the best, and what church would meet our family's needs. He found us a new house in a great neighborhood, minutes away from a great church and a good school, and we made plans to move.
Upon getting to Frederick, we were staying in a hotel for a couple days while my parents finished the paperwork on the new home. And then the worst happened. There were problems with the real estate deal, and it was not going to work out for us to buy that home. It was a pretty intense moment for us, since we were not citizens, we didn't know anyone, and now we had no place to live. We spent 3 weeks in a hotel, trying to decide what to do. Pick a different house, or find a rental? We went out one evening and drove around Frederick looking for another place to live. The thing was, we didn't want to live anywhere else! We wanted our house, and we felt like that was the RIGHT house. So we drove to the home that my dad had first picked. It was brand new, and no one was living there, so, my dad pulled in the driveway, and we all got out. And then something extraordinary happened. We prayed together, in the driveway of that house, and asked God to do his will for our family. All four of us, holding hands in a little circle, in the shadow of that big, empty house, called out for an answer.

The next day, the realtor called, and told my parents that the deal was going to work out after all, and if we still wanted it, the house was ours.

That moment in my family's history was completely sublime. Following moving into that home (where they still live) God orchestrated a healing in our family that was long overdue. That moment brought restoration.

The reason our story is important is because there are people who think the Bible is crap. There are people - lots of 'em - who could care less about what some old guys wrote in a book a thousand years ago. They are often not particularly interested in churches, or pastors messages. You know what they are interested in? Our personal stories. The moments in our lives that don't have an Earthly explanation. They would much rather hear about what we have been through, over what Paul went through.

The story is not always a happy one.

My personal testimony as an adult, has a lot to do with my experience with depression, and trying to stay connected to my faith, when all I wanted to do was check out. After years of living with something as sucktastic as depression, I started to think I would never be free from it. I was wrong! God has brought restoration to my mind, but it took a REALLY long time!

I guess my point is, that you have a story, even if you are not quite sure how to tell it yet. You might even be in the middle of your story. Me? I feel like there will be more to tell. I think depression was really only the first part of my testimony, you have no idea how excited I am for this next part!


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