Wednesday, February 15, 2012


 I have only had one Valentine's Day in my life which included a boyfriend, which is kinda sad, but that does not make it any less true. That Valentine's with a boyfriend pretty much rocked. I am a big fan of having a boyfriend for Valentine's Day. While my boyfriend would later reveal himself to be a man of poor character, that year I could not have been more delighted to be in a relationship. There were roses, teddy bears, cards and letters. It was completely marvelous.

As far as Valentine's Day goes, I have always been at pretty much at peace with the holiday. While there have been far too many of them spent as a single girl, my friends and family have always kept the day pretty sweet. My mom always sends a card and a couple dollars, or a little gift, my grandparents like to send a little money too (being one of only 2 grandchildren has its perks!), and then at work I bring in some candy, wear pink, and try not to think about how I'll be spending the evening alone. I don't bother being depressed, because it is just ONE day, and the all the love will be over by tomorrow, so I can muddle through.

1 Corinthians 7:17, The Message.
And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life.

And with a promise like that one, how could I be sad? And despite my penchant for unreasonable sadness, I tend to be an optomist when it comes to this day. I always think ahead to the future and hope that "next year I will have a Valentine." And quite frankly I would rather have a quality Valentine over a boyfriend that will later cheat on me...

I only remember one other Valentine's Day in my life. I was in fourth grade and completely in love with a boy whom I will call Tyler Griffin (for complete and total privacy purposes). Tyler had started at our school at the tail end of third grade, and I prided myself on not falling in love with him right away, since on his first day, he demonstrated questionable judgement by jumping in mud puddles on the baseball field at recess. I mean what girl wants a muddy boyfriend? No, it took time for my love of Tyler to grow. By the time Valentine's Day rolled around, I was ready to passive aggressively share my feelings by sending him a "Secret Admirer" Valentine. Now those were the days when we all exchanged Valentines with every kid in the class, even the ones who were smelly or ate paste. So I gave a Valentine to every kid in the class, just like everyone else, but for Tyler, I gave the prettiest, most feelings-revealing card. But when you are in fourth grade, you don't always think things through. When Tyler received his secret admirer card, he promptly went through his stack of Valentines and used process of elimination (along with a group of eager, laughing, secret-busting peers) to reveal that the only person who had not given him a Valentine was me, and thus, the secret admirer card was clearly from me. When Tyler and his cohorts asked me if the admirer was me, I of course denied knowing anything about such ridiculousness. They were not fooled by my stellar acting skills, and thus, the secret was out, followed by too many giggles at my expense. It was a very disappointing Valentine's Day.
I figure Valentine's Day is pretty simple as an adult, and I'm pretty thankful I do not have to experience such stressful and embarassing situations anymore. For the record, the following year I was still in love with Tyler, and was clever enough to remember to give him a "regular" Valentine in addition to the secret admirer one -- nailed it.

Ultimately even the people who are a part of a couple on this day get that this one day is not that big a deal. That helps make it a little easier too. Mostly I just want to be clear that I am not nearly as bitter about this particular holiday as most single people are... In fact this day is an anniversary for me. I became a Christian on this day, in 1986 and then 10 years and one day later, I was water baptized. So today I will remember to celebrate what an incredible gift I have been given - one that will outlast any roses or teddy bears, the gift of eternity in Heaven with the lover of my soul.

1 John 4:13-16 The Message
This is how we know we're living steadily and deeply in him, and he in us: He's given us life from his life, from his very own Spirit. Also, we've seen for ourselves and continue to state openly that the Father sent his Son as Savior of the world. Everyone who confesses that Jesus is God's Son participates continuously in an intimate relationship with God. We know it so well, we've embraced it heart and soul, this love that comes from God.

My God is Love. I will continue to hope, seek and pray for God's will to be done in revealing my Earthly Valentine to me. And while I wait, I will hold on to his promise, his salvation, and his incredible Love.


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